
Jupiter in Gemini - Is This Your Lucky Year?

Is this your lucky year? You know some years everything falls into place so easily - you're in the right place at the right time, finances improve and relationships are great. Life feels good; even if problems do surface they quickly disappear. This is often when Jupiter is in your sign. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion and growth!

Jupiter returns to its natal planet every 12 years. At each Jupiter Return we have a chance to take stock of the previous twelve years, and set energy in motion for the next twelve-year period. Up to eight Jupiter returns are experienced in a lifetime.

Jupiter has now moved out of Taurus and into Gemini:

June 12, 2012 to June 25, 2013 EST

Following are dates Jupiter was in Gemini. Where you born during these years? If so you have Jupiter in Gemini!

June 30, 2000 - July 13, 2001

July 22,1988 - Nov 30, 1988

Mar 11, 1989 - July 30, 1989

Aug 23, 1976 - Oct 16, 1976

Apr 3, 1977 - Aug 20, 1977

Dec 30, 1977 - Apr 12, 1988

Apr 22, 1965 - Sept 21, 1965

May 9, 1953 - May 24, 1954

May 26, 1941 - June 10, 1942

When you 'become' more like your Jupiter sign it's actually a good way to express yourself and brings a bit of luck your way. You can check your sign easily here.

SO what traits do the Jupiter in Gemini people express?

They have a love of reading and education. This position also indicates an inventive mind, a love of mathematics and an attraction towards metaphysics and astrology or sarcasm towards it.

Jupiter in Gemini shows travel will bring both pleasure and profit - think work trips or traveling salespeople. Jupiter in Gemini people are usually very friendly with a twinkle in their eye. On the flipside they could meet with losses and trouble when traveling. There could be times with tight escapes from accidents or some sibling rivalry. Gemini is associated with short trips.

So how's the weather today? This is Gemini in a nutshell - sunny one moment and windy the next with the same unpredictability of a sudden storm or Sydney weather.

How will everyone be affected? With Jupiter in Gemini you might find yourself busier than usual with ideas coming together, networking and juggling life. Communication will be so much easier. If you work online, write or work in publishing or the media now is your time. The new iPhone 5 might finally arrive and take us to a new level of mobility. Literally speaking of course.

I also feel as we're in a 5 universal year of numerology 2+0+1+2 we're now going to move even faster with more changes and developments in technology and travel with an overall feeling of being more social. In case you were wondering the 5 in numerology brings feelings towards an unrestricted lifestyle, change and travel, desire and freedom.

If you can focus (whist having some fun) you will reap the rewards over the next 12 months.

As we have the London Olympics coming up I predict we'll be breaking more than one world record. With the 2012 Tour De France I feel also this will be an interesting one. Gemini is also associated with stretching the truth - we'll see if anyone is caught out.

With Gemini ruling speed, intellect, fashion and convenience lets see what advances come up not just for you but also for the overall population to June 2013. Jupiter in Gemini... just don't burn yourself out!

Do you have Jupiter in Gemini? If you have something to share we'd love to hear about it xo

Light Stays Retreats and Living is a new global holistic directory to inspire and guide your mind, body and soul.

Article Source: Tameera S Kemp

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